
Exhibit 6.21

For Nebraskans

Apparently the Nebraska Democratic Caucus allows absentee ballots which strikes me as strange for a caucus. There's no chance to realign yourself to any other candidate should your guy or gal not get 15%, but at this late in the game that's pretty much impossible unless you're holding on to that Mike Gravel dream. In any case, I'm all for it.

You can go here and click on the link for the Absentee Preference Card to get started. Just be sure to get it in by February 6th. They list four options for missing the primary: Homebound, Out-of-State Student, Out-of-State Military, and Infirmed. Since they don't list an option for missing the caucus to go see Cloverfield, I'm not really sure what to do.

I mean, I could be infirmed or enrolled in a horseshoeing college in Wyoming by then. Better not chance it.

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